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Tilburgsche Stoomketel- en Machinefabriek Gebrs. Deprez (English)


The Tilburgsche Stoomketel- en Machinefabriek Gebrs. Deprez, which was located in the Lange Nieuwstraat, was founded in 1884. In that year, brothers Jules and César Deprez, who were from Antwerp, took over an iron foundry. They expanded it and turned it into a machine factory, specialising in kettles. The factory also worked in the field of plate construction.

Around 1924, the company was dissolved and purchased by the Central Workshop of the State Railway Company (known in Tilburg as ‘D’n Atelier’), which produced kettles and ran a copper foundry in the building until it was sold to the local authority in 1955. From 1958 onwards part of the site was used an auction hall, known as the Centrale Markthal (Central Market hall).

The building was restored in 2009 and will be redeveloped and integrated in the so-called ‘Spoorzone’. Jules and César Lekanne Deprez lived at Casa Cara and Villa Anna in the Lange Nieuwstraat. This double mansion was designed by Cees van Hoof in 1902 and listed as a national monument in 2001.

In Dutch / Nederlands