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Cobbenhagen Summit


The Cobbenhagen Summit is an initiative of Tilburg University Society with the Province of Noord-Brabant, the City of Tilburg, the Brabant Development Agency (BOM), the VNO-NCW Brabant Zeeland (BZW) and Tilburg University as partners. The Cobbenhagen Summit is meant to be in the context of the triple helix to provide a forum for the Brabant entrepreneurship, public administration and higher education and research, where a strategy for the Brabant economy and society will be developed in the (middle) long term.

Tilburg University Society, chaired by Sylvester Eijffinger, is responsible for the organization of the Cobbenhagen Summits, which will be organized at the beginning of each year, in order to discuss and evaluate the Strategy for the Brabant Region. Since 2020, partly due to the Corona crisis, no more summits were organized. After Eijffingers retirement the concept of meetings between science and politics became part or the range of tasks of the rector magnificus.


The third Cobbenhagen Summit, in 2016, took place in the Noordbrabants Museum in ’s-Hertogenbosch, organising a retrospective exhibition on Jheronimus Bosch. The theme was 'Europe of the Regions', opened by professor Wim van de Donk, Royal Commissioner of the North Brabant Province.